Docker+Sql 2

Windows Docker Containers using GMSA to connect to SQL Server – Part 2

This is a continuation of the previous blog post on GMSA setup. Step 1: Create Docker Image I have created ASPNET MVC app and it accessing the SQL server using windows authentication. My Connection string looks like below. <connectionStrings> <add name=”AdventureWorks2012Entities” connectionString=”metadata=res://*/ManagerEmployeeModel.csdl|res://*/ManagerEmployee Model.ssdl|res://*/ManagerEmployeeModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;data source=CIQSQL2012;initial catalog=AdventureWorks2012;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework&quot;” providerName=”System.Data.EntityClient” /> </connectionStrings> I have created the […]

IMage2Docker 2

Image2docker for ASP.NET Websites: Part 2

This is a continuation of the previous posts that covered how to setup and run Image2Docker. Docker Installation Status Open PowerShell command and execute the following command. docker info Docker is already installed in the system If the command returns something like the below. The docker is not installed in the machine if you see […]

IMage2Docker 2

Image2docker for ASP.NET Websites: Part 1

This is a continuation of the blog post that covers how to setup and run Image2Docker on local machines. Local Machines This mode looks for the IIS installed on the local machine and converts the IIS sites /virtual directories/ applications to docker files associate artifacts. Run the following command ConvertTo-Dockerfile ` -Local ` -OutputPath {{OutputPath}} […]


Image2Docker Introduction

Image2Docker is a PowerShell module which ports existing Windows application workloads to Docker. It supports multiple application types, but the initial focus is on IIS and ASP.NET apps. You can use Image2Docker to extract ASP.NET websites from a VM – or from the local machine or a remote machine. Then so you can run your […]

Docker+Sql 2

Install SQL Server Docker Container on Linux

This blog post explains how to setup and configure SQL Server docker container on a linux machine. Microsoft recently started supporting running SQL Server on Linux and the entire process takes only few steps to run. Install SQL Server Docker Image //Pull the SQL Server Image from the docker registry $docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux $docker run […]

CloudComputing.561c1f14cab08 (1)

Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is providing developers and IT departments with the ability to focus on what matters most and avoid undifferentiated work like procurement, maintenance, and capacity planning. As cloud computing has grown in popularity, several different models and deployment strategies have emerged to help meet specific needs of different users. Each type of cloud service, […]


Launching AWS SQL Server RDS

Business Needs: Our goal is to identify whether Amazon SQL Server RDS Service provides elastic , highly available , Scalable and operationally efficient solution for our use case. We are evaluating options to migrate our read/write heavy production SQL Server database to amazon SQL Server RDS. We have pretty high throughput needs for few hours a day […]


AWS SLA Summary

AWS SLA Summary AWS Service SLA Service Credit Pct SLA Resource RDS 99.95% Less than 99.95% but equal to or greater than 99.0% 10 % RDS 99.95% Less than 99.0% 25 % S3 99.9% Equal to or greater than 99.0% but less than 99.9% 10 % S3 99.9% Less than 99.0% 25 […]