Azure vs. AWS or Azure & AWS?

Surprisingly, as per an article published by Gartner, “Cloud Computing is still perplexing to many CIOs even after a decade of cloud’. While cloud computing is a foundation for digital business, Gartner estimates that less than one-third of enterprises have a documented cloud strategy. This indeed comes as a surprise given the fact that cloud […]


Microservices – Aligning business and technology for closer collaboration, agility & flexibility

A microservices-based architecture introduces agility, flexibility and supports a sustainable DEVOPS culture ensuring closer collaboration within businesses and the news is that it’s actually happening for those who embraced it. True, monolith apps architectures have enabled businesses to benefit from IT all along as it is single coded, simple to develop, test and run. As […]


Restrict s3 bucket Access to VPC

Allow access to s3 bucket only from vpc Currently I am evaluating options to lockdown permissions to my S3 Buckets as part of Security Enhancements. These are the steps I followed to lock down S3 Bucket access only to my VPC Create VPC End Points VPC End Points Screen Shot Attach the S3 Bucket Policy […]


MYSQL / AURORA Database Troubleshooting

Here is a look at some of the common queries that will be useful when troubleshooting AURORA database. Number of Connections by Host SELECT SUBSTRING(HOST, 1, 10) , DB,USER , COUNT(*) AS Count FROM information_schema.processlist group by SUBSTRING(HOST, 0, 10) , DB,USER ORDER BY Count desc ; — ‘’, ‘Portal’, ‘webguest-dev’, ’46’ Aurora Max Connections […]


Memory-Optimized Tables

Monitor Memory Optimized Table Space Usage Memory-optimized tables are fully durable by default, and, like transactions on (traditional) disk-based tables, transactions on memory-optimized tables are fully atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID). Memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures support only a subset of Transact-SQL features. The following blog post shows how to monitor the […]


Windows Docker Containers using GMSA to connect to SQL Server – Part 1

Windows Containers do not ship with Active Directory support and due to their nature can’t (yet) act as a full-fledged domain joined objects, but a certain level of Active Directory functionality can be supported through the use of Globally Managed Service Accounts (GMSA). Windows Containers cannot be domain-joined, they can also take advantage of Active […]